Ekklesia Athens

Ekklesia (ek-leh-SEE-ah) is the word Jesus used to describe His church. It is a group of people who gather for one common purpose.

We exist to know Jesus and make Him known to our communities, encouraging healthy relationships with God and one another.


Ekklesia Athens is a church of Christ located in Athens, Ohio. Our desire is to see the Lord establish a healthy, vibrant, mission-minded body of people in the heart of Athens. There is an opportunity to serve the university as well as the city with many families. The mission field is plentiful in Athens for both adults and students. We desire to be a welcoming, serving, fellowship of Christ’s people, ready to share the Gospel with all who are in Athens.

Community groups

During the week, we meet together in community groups. This is the primary funnel through which we introduce people to Jesus. Our community groups are designed to be Gospel centered and seeker friendly.

Campus ministry

Spikeball game on Ohio University campus

There are over 20,000 students on campus every year. Many of us were served by campus ministry. We are a church near campus, for the campus, partnering with two families who are serving the campus as missionaries.

Bible class

We are committed to proclaiming Christ and Him crucified. Therefore, our teaching has one goal: to bring people to know Jesus and train people to become more like Jesus.


We meet for class and worship Sunday mornings in Bentley Hall room 141 on Ohio University’s Athens campus, located at 4 President St, Athens, OH 45701. On-street parking is available nearby. Class begins at 10:00 AM, with worship following at 11:00 AM.

We celebrate the work of God with excellence. We glorify God in Spirit because of His saving work set forth in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We also praise God for empowering us to make disciples in Athens, and we give thanks to God for the opportunities He has given us to know Jesus and make Him known.


We are seeking financial and spiritual partners who can invest in our mission and build deeper relationships and grow in Christ together. Our strategy is to seek 90% funding for the first year (approximately $7,750/month) and scale down needed support as we grow. We’re seeking one-time and monthly financial partners at all levels.

View our case for support and become a partner in our mission.